Guest book

Best thing in Europe

Coming from Bosnia-Herzegovina, this is the only event of this kind in this part of Europe! My first attendance was last year of 2022, and this year I'm counting the days until September 16th to see all the NATO strength and power, and to taste the best of Czech hospitality! NATO forever!

Zlatan Omerović / 06.09.2023 14:44

Caravan parking

In Albrechtičky, during NATO Days, it will be possible to park motorhomes and caravans on the field near the falconry. Prospective bidders must arrive by Friday 15.9., because from Saturday the entrance to Albrechtičky will be with permission only.
Gps: 49.6971589N, 18.0984161E

Tomas / 29.08.2023 20:33


With four B-52's based in the UK at the moment it would be greath to see one flying as part of NATO.. and what about a Ukraine!!!

Jacob / 23.08.2022 11:13

Krila oluje

Krila oluje at nato days 2022

Joggy / 31.05.2022 22:57

Anyone from outside CZ

Hi. Is there anyone outside cz / pl coming to the nato days this year, I’d have a few questions. Cheers. Mike

Mike / 03.09.2021 09:19

Good show, but...

I enjoyed the 2018 edition of the show, but I was disappointed by a couple of things.

The security detail at entrance 3 was not up to the task of processing the number of people coming through in an efficient and competent manner. The queue moved very slowly and many people were getting very angry. It reflects poorly on both your event and the security company.

The contributuion of America as the "Special Host Nation" was disappointing to say the least. I understand that operational commitments must take priority over public relations events, but if a nation agrees to such a joint hosting duty then it's fair to expect something more from them than what we saw from America this year.

Germany did a fantastic job as the special host nation a few years ago and should be seen as an example for others to follow when doing that job.

Kevan / 17.09.2018 21:02

USA special partner nation ????????

the ambassador of US make blablabla and the other nation make flight display for the visitors
swedish airforce historic flight are the best

no name / 15.09.2018 11:34


PARTNER NATION USA .........ridiculous

no FLIGHTDISPLAY..............from US Airforce or Marines

no name / 13.09.2018 23:14


I have the same question - can anyone recommend sites for camping or sleeping in the car around the air show?

If possible please email to cb(a) or write here

Thanks a lot!

Christoph / 12.09.2015 14:36

Accommodation / Camping during the show

I am looking to make this a part of my motorcycle tour from the UK. Is there a web site for camping sites or Hotels around the airport?

Photography is another hobby of mine what are the best locations to view the aircraft in flight?

And last of all, will there be secure motorcycle parking on the site?


Brian (brian(at)

Brian Milton / 23.02.2015 21:07

V22 Osprey

Why Osprey departures on Saturday??? Cant they stay one day longer?
I thought I will see them on Sunday.

V22 / 17.09.2014 16:14

Not Bad

I've attended all NATO Day shows since 2006 and must say that this year and last year's shows were good. However, in some ways were weaker than years before.

The aircraft static park in the last two years really has lost quality. Up to 2011, the barrier fences were placed in a line in front of all the aircraft with enough distance that it was possible to take photos of the aircraft without the fence interfering. Could you please return to that format?

The flying displays were very enjoyable, but is it possible to have a shorter fence facing the runway? Every other airshow I've attended has a much shorter fence facing the runway and it makes getting photos of aircraft taking off and landing much easier.

I hope that's not too negative, I did enjoy the show in general and am looking forward to next year's.

Kevan / 28.09.2013 09:29

photos 2013

cheers :)

Andrzej / 23.09.2013 15:21

Pełen profesjonalizm

Miałem przyjemność być w niedzielę 2013 i stwierdzam, że całokształt pokazów tylko jedno przyćmiło - organizacja. Czegoś takiego jeszcze w życiu, a tym bardziej Polsce nie widziałem. Coś niesamowitego, zgranie, kierowanie ruchem samochodów, parkingowi, układ namiotów gastronomicznych (nie zasłaniających pokazów), kosze na śmieci, czyste toalety i przemiła atmosfera. Z przyjemnością zapłaciłem za parking i wydawałem kasę na bezpłatnych pokazach. Polecam, coś pięknego. Do zobaczenia za rok!

Max / 23.09.2013 09:14

dni nato

byłem rok temu - odliczam do najbliższego weekendu - polecam gorąco!!!!! tyle samolotów bojowych tak blisko Raciborza!!!!

krzysztof z Raciborza / 20.09.2013 08:36

bedzie super!

amber / 11.09.2013 16:35


Rewelacyjna impreza, perfekcyjnie zorganizowana, od porad, jak najdogodniej dotrzeć, aż do odpowiedniej ilości toalet :)).
See you in september !!!

Monika / 16.08.2013 22:28

dny nato

To bylo super. Gratulacje! Tesime se pro rok 2013

Darek B. / 12.10.2012 21:28

Thanks for the GREAT SHOW!
My image gallery is online at

Looking forward to the 2013 edition!

Andreas / 04.10.2012 19:54


Díky za skvělý zážitek. Co vše musí být za přípravou takové akce, je pro mě něco nepředstavitelného. Vydržte, už teď se těším na příští ročník.

Karel / 03.10.2012 08:16

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