Początek |
Koniec |
Opis |
Narodowość |
08:45 |
09:05 |
Zelazny Aerobatic Group
Zelazny Group, Orlen Unipetrol
08:45 - 09:05
Zelazny Aerobatic Group
Zelazny Group, Orlen Unipetrol
In cooperation with this year's Special Partner country, the Polish acrobatic group Zelazny will present its premiere to the visitors of the NATO Days. It is historically the largest and longest continuously operating Polish aviation group. Three ZLIN Z50 aircrafts piloted by Wojciech Krupa, Wojciech Grzechowiak and Dominik Łuczak will be presented to the audience in a dynamic demonstration.
09:05 |
09:15 |
UH-60M Black Hawk
Slovak Air Force
09:05 - 09:15
UH-60M Black Hawk
Slovak Air Force
The Slovak UH-60 will be presented for the fourth time at NATO Days in a dynamic and static demonstration. The UH-60 Black Hawk multi-role helicopters from the US company Sikorski have been in service since 2017. Their versatility allows them to be used not only for combat operations and support of ground forces, but also for training and disaster assistance.
09:15 |
09:25 |
Interception of tobacco smugglers
Customs Services of the Czech Republic, Germany and Slovakia
09:15 - 09:25
Interception of tobacco smugglers
Customs Services of the Czech Republic, Germany and Slovakia
The second dynamic demonstration prepared by the Customs Service of the Czech Republic will be a violent stop of tobacco smugglers. Customs officers will demonstrate the stopping of a fleeing smuggler's car and subsequently detain the perpetrator. Spectators can look forward to sharp automobile manoeuvres and there will also be gunfire.
09:25 |
09:34 |
PC-9 Hudournik
Slovenian Air Force
09:25 - 09:34
PC-9 Hudournik
Slovenian Air Force
The PC-9M Hudournik is a light turboprop aircraft from the workshops of the Swiss company Pilatus. It is used by the military for flight training before the transition to more powerful machines. However, the Slovenian aircraft are also equipped with weapon mounts and are thus adapted for light combat missions and attacks against ground targets.
09:34 |
09:44 |
German Army
09:34 - 09:44
German Army
The German Army's NH90 twin-engine multi-purpose helicopter will be participating in NATO Days for the third time. It will present itself to visitors in a dynamic and static demonstration. The aircraft is used by the German Army for tactical transport of troops and material, as well as for transporting the sick and wounded and for airborne support operations or for emergency and disaster assistance.
09:44 |
09:59 |
Daedalus Demo Team
Hellenic Air Force
09:44 - 09:59
Daedalus Demo Team
Hellenic Air Force
NATO Days will see the premiere of the Greek Demo Team "Daedalus", which will present the T-6 Texan II turboprop trainer aircraft. This aircraft show will be presented by Captains Konstantinos Papageorgiou or Vasileios Ntintis. The second Greek demo team "Zeus" has already presented four times at the event, so this year Daedalus will complete the participation of Greek demo teams at NATO Days. The T-6 Texan II is a single-engine, two-seat turboprop low-wing aircraft that is capable of climbing to an altitude of 945 m per minute and can reach an altitude of 5,486 m in less than six minutes. The machine is based on the design of the Pilatus PC-9, which will also be on display at this year's NATO Days.
09:59 |
10:14 |
Display of service horses
Ostrava Municipal Police
09:59 - 10:14
Display of service horses
Ostrava Municipal Police
A demonstration of the service hippology of the Ostrava Municipal Police will present the preparedness of horses and riders in handling horses. In joint cooperation with the riot police and the canine specialists of the Ostrava Municipal Police, horse riders will perform an intervention against a group of people who seriously disrupt public order and do not respect the lawful calls of the police officers. From the commented demonstration, visitors will be able to learn, among other things, how the Ostrava Municipal Police uses horses in the performance of their duties and why the horse is an indispensable and effective helper in ensuring local matters of public order.
10:14 |
10:29 |
L-39NG & L-39C
AERO Vodochody, LOM Praha
10:14 - 10:29
L-39NG & L-39C
AERO Vodochody, LOM Praha
The new L-39NG aircraft developed and manufactured in Aero Vodochody will be presented for the third time to the visitors of the NATO Days in Ostrava & Air Force Days during an aerobatic flight demonstration. This Czech aircraft, piloted by the factory pilot Vladimír Továrek, has recently received full type certification without restrictions and thus has a free path to the world markets. Spectators can look forward to a full aerobatic demonstration, which they are used to with Aero Vodochody aircraft. The L-39NG has a fully open flight envelope, so there are no restrictions that would force the pilot to compromise during the aerobatic demonstration.
10:29 |
10:41 |
Mi-24/35V Solo Display
22nd Helicopter Base
10:29 - 10:41
Mi-24/35V Solo Display
22nd Helicopter Base
The Mi-24/35V attack helicopter is codenamed NATO Hind. It is capable of attacking both ground and air targets, but its primary mission is the destruction of enemy armoured vehicles. For this it can be equipped with unguided missiles and a heavy machine gun. Despite its size, the Hind is one of the fastest helicopters in the sky. It can fly at speeds of up to 300 km/h. The Czech Mi-24/35Vs will be replaced by new American-made Bell AH-1Z Viper attack helicopters. Therefore, this year's appearance at NATO Days will be the last public appearance of this helicopter in the ranks of the Czech Army.
10:51 |
11:01 |
W-3A Sokol Display - bambi vak
24th Transport Aviation Base
10:51 - 11:01
W-3A Sokol Display - bambi vak
24th Transport Aviation Base
The display pilot of the Falcon, Lieutenant Colonel Petr Šafařík, has flown more than 3600 flight hours, of which almost 3200 are in the Falcon. In the demonstration, visitors can look forward to a display in which it will be demonstrated how to extinguish a fire using the Bambi bag firefighting system. This system is used to extinguish fires in the underhang. Its huge advantage is the fact that the Bambi bag can be filled directly from the water surface, so the helicopter does not have to return to base every time. The helicopter will reach speeds of up to 220km/h at heights of up to 400m from the ground, with some turns reaching 2.5G overload. The W-3A Sokol helicopters are used by the Czech Air Force for transport purposes and for search and rescue (SAR) operations. The W-3A Sokol is a Polish-made helicopter from PZL Swidnik.
11:01 |
11:01 |
Opening paratroopers' jump
Czech Armed Forces
11:01 - 11:01
Opening paratroopers' jump
Czech Armed Forces
Opening paradrop with flags performed by the Czech Army.
11:01 |
11:14 |
Opening ceremony
11:01 - 11:14
Opening ceremony
Opening ceremony with the participation of distinguished guests. The opening ceremony will be hosted by the Governor of the Moravian-Silesian Region, Mr. Jan Krkoška. Greetings will be given by: Gen. Karel Rehka, Chief of the General Staff of the Army of the Czech Republic Jan Dohnal, Mayor of the Statutory City of Ostrava
11:14 |
11:15 |
Opening shot from the tank T-72M4CZ
7th Mechanized Brigade
11:14 - 11:15
Opening shot from the tank T-72M4CZ
7th Mechanized Brigade
The ceremonial firing of a tank on the instruction of the Chief of the General Staff of the Army of the Czech Republic, Lieutenant General Karel Řehka will officially open the Sunday programme.
11:15 |
11:30 |
Police of the Czech Republic's oath
Policie ČR
11:15 - 11:30
Police of the Czech Republic's oath
Policie ČR
Police cadet oath ceremony.
11:30 |
11:34 |
Awarding of the Medals of Honour of the Fire Brigade of the Czech Republic
11:30 - 11:34
Awarding of the Medals of Honour of the Fire Brigade of the Czech Republic
The awarding of the Medals of Honour of the Fire Brigade of the Czech Republic will take place in the presence of the Director General of the Fire Brigade of the Czech Republic, Lt. Gen. Vladimír Vlček. The following will be awarded: bryg. mgr. inż. Wojciech Piechaczek, City Commander of the State Fire Department in Jastrzebiu Zdrój mł. bryg. mgr. inż. Marek Misiura, District Commander of the State Fire Brigade in Wodzisław Slaski
11:34 |
11:37 |
Regional Governor's Award
11:34 - 11:37
Regional Governor's Award
The Governor of the Moravian-Silesian Region Mr. Jan Krkoška will award Jakub Švidernoch for saving human life and for his help in eliminating the consequences of the earthquake in Turkey and the largest forest fire in the Czech Republic in the Czech Switzerland National Park.
11:46 |
11:56 |
Freeing hostages from terrorists
Czech Police Intervention Unit, GROM
11:46 - 11:56
Freeing hostages from terrorists
Czech Police Intervention Unit, GROM
The participation of this year's special partner state will be very special indeed. The audience can look forward to the premiere dynamic demonstration of the Polish GROM unit with the Czech police. This shared performance of the Czech intervention unit and elite Polish soldiers will be the biggest attraction of this year's presentation of the Polish Special Forces at the Mošnov airport. The Czech-Polish troops will present to the visitors the violent liberation of hostages from the hands of terrorists with the help of a helicopter and assault vehicles.
11:56 |
12:01 |
Tactical deception
Skupina kybernetických sil a informačních operací, 7. mechanizovaná brigáda
11:56 - 12:01
Tactical deception
Skupina kybernetických sil a informačních operací, 7. mechanizovaná brigáda
Visitors can look forward to the first ever dynamic demonstration of LRAD equipment at NATO Days. The device enables directional reproduction of sounds, warning signals, spoken word or tones. It is used for tactical communication, control and coordination of personnel at the destination or to deceive the enemy. In this premiere performance, the LRAD will be used to loudly reproduce deceptive sounds in support of a maneuver by the 7th Mechanized Brigade of the Army of the Czech Republic.
12:01 |
12:16 |
Attack of the reinforced mechanized platoon
7th Mechanized Brigade
12:01 - 12:16
Attack of the reinforced mechanized platoon
7th Mechanized Brigade
Soldiers of the mechanized brigade will conduct a coordinated attack on the enemy using heavy equipment. The Czech 7th Mechanised Brigade "Dukla" is the main firepower of the Czech Army. It has, among other things, modernised T-72MCZ tanks and BVP-2 infantry fighting vehicles.
12:16 |
12:25 |
Leopard 2A7V
12:16 - 12:25
Leopard 2A7V

12:25 |
12:35 |
JAS-39 Gripen Solo Display
21. základna taktického letectva
12:25 - 12:35
JAS-39 Gripen Solo Display
21. základna taktického letectva
This year's solo display of the Czech Gripen will be taken by an experienced pilot, Captain Ondřej Španko. Ondřej is the commander of the 2nd Swarm of the 211th Tactical Squadron, his total flight time since 2004 is more than 2000 hours, with over 850 hours on the JAS-39 Gripen. Historically, he is the fifth display pilot of the Czech JAS-39. During his flight demonstration, his machine will move in an altitude range of 30-2500 m and reach speeds of up to 1000 km/h.
12:35 |
12:41 |
Crackdown on human traffickers
Alien Police of the Czech Republic
12:35 - 12:41
Crackdown on human traffickers
Alien Police of the Czech Republic
Members of the Immigration Police have prepared an attractive dynamic demonstration for the visitors of the NATO Days, in which armed smugglers will be arrested during the actual handover to the Czech Republic.
12:41 |
12:51 |
L 410 NG
Aircraft Industries
12:41 - 12:51
L 410 NG
Aircraft Industries
L 410 NG is a purely Czech aircraft from Aircraft Industries, which are also partners of the event. This is the second year the machine will appear at NATO Days and visitors should definitely not miss its dynamic demonstration. The aircraft will also be on display in a static display where you will be able to see it "up close".
12:51 |
13:19 |
Orlik Aerobatic Group
Polish Air Force
12:51 - 13:19
Orlik Aerobatic Group
Polish Air Force
Polish aerobatic group Orlik will return to NATO Days after eight years. This year, seven PZL-130 ORLIK turboprop trainer aircraft will perform in a dynamic display. This is a two-seater propeller machine used to train pilots of the Polish Air Force, which is its only user. Visitors can look forward to only the second demonstration of the aerobatic skills of this group at NATO Days.
13:19 |
13:29 |
L-159 Solo Display
21st Tactical Air Force Base
13:19 - 13:29
L-159 Solo Display
21st Tactical Air Force Base
Visitors to the NATO Days can look forward to the L-159 aircraft. This aircraft will be on display in a dynamic demonstration and will also be available for a close-up view on the ground. The aircraft's capabilities will be demonstrated by Major David Byrtus, whose total flight time since 2006 is more than 1400 hours. He has flown just over 800 hours on the Alka itself. In the flight demonstration, the machine will climb to an altitude of up to 1,500 m and reach speeds of up to 700 km/h. The single-seat L-159 fighter aircraft is primarily designed to support ground troops and attack ground targets.
13:29 |
13:33 |
Mayor's Cup for the best air display
13:29 - 13:33
Mayor's Cup for the best air display
Visitors can also choose the most successful aerial display of this year's NATO Days. Last year's winner was Hungarian pilot David Szentendrei, who performed his skills in a JAS-39 Gripen C. Visitors to the event will decide the winner of the cup by voting on Facebook. Voting will take place on the official Facebook profile of Ostrava. Simply "like" the photo of the display you liked the most. The Mayor's Cup will go to the performer who collects the most "raised thumbs". The award for the best flight display will be handed by the Mayor of the Statutory City of Ostrava Jan Dohnal. Voting will be open on Saturday 16 September from 9.00am to 12.00pm. The winner will receive the award on Sunday 17 September.
13:33 |
13:38 |
Award for the best ground display - Jiří Ruprecht Memorial
13:33 - 13:38
Award for the best ground display - Jiří Ruprecht Memorial
New for this year's NATO Days will be a prize for the best ground display called the Jiří Ruprecht Memorial, the winner of which will be decided by visitors to the event on Facebook. The winner of the award will be decided by visitors to the event by voting on Facebook. Voting will take place on the NATO Days in Ostrava profile. Simply "like" the photo of the display you liked the most. The award for the best ground display will go to the performer who collects the most "raised thumbs". The award for the best ground display will be handed out by the CEO of Jagello 2000 Zbyněk Pavlačík. Voting will be open on Saturday, September 16 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The winner will receive the award on Sunday, September 17.
13:38 |
13:53 |
Display of the Motorcycle unit
Castle Guard
13:38 - 13:53
Display of the Motorcycle unit
Castle Guard
Visitors can once again look forward to the display of the convoy of the highest national or foreign representatives. Members of the motorcycle unit will demonstrate their skills on BMW R-1200 RT-P and BMW R-1150 RT / GS motorcycles, they will be accompanied by Land Rover Discovery and Škoda Superb cars.
13:53 |
14:02 |
Typhoon Display Team
Royal Air Force
13:53 - 14:02
Typhoon Display Team
Royal Air Force
After four years, the British Typhoon Display Team returns to NATO Days. The Royal Air Force Eurofighter will perform above Leoš Janáček Ostrava Airport for the fifth time, but again with a new display pilot. The new pilot for this year is Lieutenant Matt Brighty, who also has extensive combat experience. Matt is sure to build on his predecessors and show the limits of this machine, but in his own concept and new flight formation. The 29 Squadron based at Coningsby is one of the oldest in the world, with a history dating back to the early part of the last century. The machine is one of the most advanced Eurofighter Typhoon variants in the RAF's armoury. It is the FGR4 version of the Typhoon. In addition to its air combat capabilities, it is now fully capable of conducting attacks against ground targets. The machine is powered by two very powerful Eurojet EJ200 jet engines, which give the Typhoons their signature sound.
14:05 |
14:16 |
Attack on an escort bus
Prison Service of the Czech Republic
14:05 - 14:16
Attack on an escort bus
Prison Service of the Czech Republic
The Prison Service of the Czech Republic will present a dynamic demonstration in which an incarcerated person will be transported from prison to a court hearing. The planned method of transport involves an air escort by police helicopter, followed by a ground escort and handover of the person to a ground team at the airport. Upon arrival of the ground team specialised in arranging the transition from air escort to ground escort, there will be a sudden attack by the perpetrators trying to free the prisoner. However, the person reaches safety aboard a helicopter which leaves the scene of the attack. The perpetrators then attempt to escape from the scene, only to be stopped by the ground team.
14:16 |
14:21 |
7th Mechanized Brigade, KNDS
14:16 - 14:21
7th Mechanized Brigade, KNDS
The T-72M4 CZ is a Czech comprehensive modernisation of the Soviet T-72 tank to a level comparable to the 3rd generation tanks. The tank is equipped with equipment protecting the three-man crew consisting of the commander, gunner and driver. The modernization was approved by the Czech government in 1994, when it was decided to modernize thirty tanks. According to expert reviews, it was the best modernisation of the T-72 tank at that time.
14:21 |
14:31 |
A400M Atlas
German Air Force
14:21 - 14:31
A400M Atlas
German Air Force
The four-engine turboprop tactical transport aircraft with strategic capabilities A400M Atlas will not be missing at this year's NATO Days. This multi-purpose aircraft of the German Air Force will be displayed in a flypast over the Mošnov Airport. The advantages of this aircraft include the ability to land on relatively short and unpaved surfaces, while it can also function as an air tanker or carry wounded and sick people with medical escort.
14:31 |
14:47 |
Eurofighter Typhoon
Spanish Air Force
14:31 - 14:47
Eurofighter Typhoon
Spanish Air Force
After five years, the Spanish Air Force's Eurofighter Typhoon fighter aircraft will arrive at NATO Days for a dynamic demonstration. The aircraft won the hearts of the audience thanks to its agility and the typical sound of its two engines. This twin-engine supersonic aircraft was developed primarily for air superiority, but has also been modified for attacks against ground targets. The aircraft will be piloted by Spanish Captain Gregorio "Goyo" Serrano Arigaza, who is a member of the 14th Wing based in Albacete. The wing will celebrate its 50th anniversary next year.
14:52 |
15:15 |
Swiss Air Force
14:52 - 15:15
Swiss Air Force
After four years, visitors to NATO Days can look forward to the very popular Swiss aerial group PC-7 TEAM. This team was officially founded in 1989 and has been using the turbo-prop Swiss PC-7 aircraft all along. With nine machines, this is the largest aviation group ever to perform at Mosnov Airport. Another interesting fact is that the team members also have to perform standard duties in the form of guarding the national airspace and public appearances are not their only job, which is why PC-7 TEAM performs abroad quite rarely.
15:18 |
15:32 |
Mi-24/35V + Mi-171š
22nd Helicopter Base
15:18 - 15:32
Mi-24/35V + Mi-171š
22nd Helicopter Base
The Mi-24/35V attack helicopter is codenamed NATO Hind. It is capable of attacking both ground and air targets, but its primary mission is the destruction of enemy armoured vehicles. For this it can be equipped with unguided missiles and a heavy machine gun. Despite its size, the Hind is one of the fastest helicopters in the sky. It can fly at speeds of up to 300 km/h. The Czech Mi-24/35V, along with the Mi-171, will be replaced by new American-made Bell AH-1Z Viper attack helicopters. Therefore, this will be the last public appearance of this helicopter in the ranks of the Czech Army.
15:32 |
15:47 |
F-35A Demo Team
U.S. Air Force
15:32 - 15:47
F-35A Demo Team
U.S. Air Force
Visitors to this year's NATO Days really have something to look forward to. This will be the first ever event in Central and Eastern Europe to feature a dynamic demonstration aby the US Air Force F-35A Lightning II Demonstration Team. On this occasion, Major Kristin "Beo" Wolfe, who has over 800 hours of flight time in the F-35A Lightning II and F-22A Raptor, will be the featured pilot. The F-35A is the U.S. Air Force's newest fifth-generation fighter aircraft, replacing the aging fleet of F-16s and A-10 Thunderbolt IIs that have been the U.S. Air Force's primary combat aircraft for more than 20 years. It is an agile, versatile, high-performance, multi-role combat aircraft that combines radar stealth, sensor fusion and unprecedented situational awareness. It also features an electro-optical targeting system (EOTS) that provides long-range detection, precision targeting against ground targets, and long-range airborne threat detection.
15:47 |
15:59 |
25th Air Cavarly Brigade show
25th Air Cavalry Brigade
15:47 - 15:59
25th Air Cavarly Brigade show
25th Air Cavalry Brigade
This year the audience can look forward to the premiere performance of the Polish 25th Air Cavalry Brigade. Twenty soldiers will perform in the show. You will see rappelling from helicopters, stopping of vehicles and also shooting.
16:04 |
16:14 |
Ambush of the enemy
53rd Regiment of Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare, 22nd Helicopter Air Force Base
16:04 - 16:14
Ambush of the enemy
53rd Regiment of Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare, 22nd Helicopter Air Force Base
The purpose of this dynamic display will be to capture a person of interest. Reconnaissance unit will perform an ambush that will lead to the capture of the selected person. After that, there will be a confrontation with the adversary and a withdrawal from the area of operation. The ambush will be carried out by a reconnaissance group with the support of assigned air support.
16:14 |
16:28 |
F-16 Tiger Demo Team
Polish Air Force
16:14 - 16:28
F-16 Tiger Demo Team
Polish Air Force
After five years, the F-16 Fighting Falcon will appear in Polish colours at NATO Days. This aircraft, also known as the Viper, is a 4th generation multi-role fighter aircraft that has been protecting the Polish skies since 2006. Visitors will thus have the opportunity to see the only Polish Viper in the air, which has been specially configured for demonstration flights. The pilot of the aircraft is Captain Maciej "SLAB" Krakowian, who has spent more than 1200 hours in the Viper and is a highly respected instructor, who continues to teach new generations of Polish pilots.
16:28 |
16:33 |
OT-64 armoured transporter
Military History Institute in Prague
16:28 - 16:33
OT-64 armoured transporter
Military History Institute in Prague
The Military Historical Institute will participate in the NATO Days again this year. It will present its mobile command post OT-64/R2 SKOT in a static and dynamic demonstration. The development of the OT-64/R2 SKOT began in the mid-1950s. It is a medium wheeled armoured personnel carrier (SKOT) whose development and production involved Czechoslovakia, which produced components such as engines, gearboxes and chassis. The R2 variant served as a mobile command post and, unlike other versions, was equipped with a gun turret.
16:33 |
16:42 |
JAS-39 Gripen C
Hungarian Air Force
16:33 - 16:42
JAS-39 Gripen C
Hungarian Air Force
A consistent participant of NATO Days since 2010, and winner of the last three editions of the Mayor's Award, is the JAS-39 Gripen C of the Hungarian Air Force. Along with the Hungarian Gripen, visitors will also be able to see the traditional display of the Gripen of the Czech Air Force. The JAS-39 Gripen C is a light multi-role fighter aircraft that has been in the Hungarian Air Force's arsenal to defend their airspace since 2006.
16:42 |
16:52 |
16:42 - 16:52
The Polish special forces unit JW AGAT, which is stationed in Gliwice, will perform a demonstration of tactical HALO, which stands for "High Altitude, Low Opening", which in practicality means that the jump from the aircraft takes place at high altitude, followed by a free fall and at an altitude of about one kilometre the parachutes are opened. The Polish paratroopers jump at an altitude of 4000 m in three groups of five to six people. During HALO jumps paratroopers can reach speeds of up to 200 km/h.
16:52 |
17:02 |
Royal Air Force
16:52 - 17:02
Royal Air Force
The British Royal Air Force will offer visitors to this year's NATO Days an exclusive premiere. For the first time on the European continent, its F-35B Lightning II aircraft will be on display in a dynamic demonstration. The F-35 Lightning II is produced in three variants, of which the F-35B features vertical take-off and landing capability. It is Lockheed Martin's fifth-generation single-engine, multi-role combat aircraft. Its main advantage is its wide range of applications, where the aircraft can provide direct air support to troops on the ground, fight for air superiority or engage in electronic warfare. Spectators will also be able to see the aircraft in a static display.