Press Registration
Application for accreditation should be sent to e-mail: [email protected].
To comply with accreditation requests the following data must be sent:
Surname, name:
Number of the press pass:
Name of medium, telephone, website
Medium for which I work
Attach a copy of your press pass or a letter from your editor confirming your authorization to cover NATO Days in Ostrava (max. 400 kB).
Submitting this data I apply for accreditation as a journalist to NATO Days in Ostrava. I agree with the disclosure of this information to third parties in order to provide the permissions necessary to allow to premises and zones that are subject to legal controls. I understand that I am obligated to abide by the organizers' directives, rules and regulations which include unauthorized access to off-limit premises and zones or the transfer of accreditation to unauthorized persons, which will result in the immediate withdrawal of accreditation.
The organizers reserve the rights to approve or deny accreditation. Their decision is final.