
A few tips before your arrival to NATO Days

14.09.2017, 20:25

Another NATO Days in Ostrava & Czech Air Force Days are almost here, therefore, we have prepared a few recommendations and interesting tips, which can help quickly find your way around the venue as well as secure a smooth course of the show. 

Thousands of visitors of NATO Days in Ostrava & Czech Air Force Days come to Leoš Janáček Ostrava Airport every year which only supports their status of being the biggest security show in Europe. In order to secure a smooth course of the event and your overall satisfaction, we would like to ask you to follow the Visiting Regulations, the Code of the Event, and other security measures which we outlined here.

We also emphasize that even though umbrellas are not among forbidden objects and thus permitted, we do not recommend their use due to high concentration of visitors. Therefore, we would like to ask you to prefer raincoats, ponchos or waterproof clothing. Raincoats will also be available to purchase at our information centres.

Due to the fact that dynamic displays are connected with loud noise effects, either caused by jet engines or pyrotechnics, we recommend to take protective gear for your ears and carefully consider presence of your children in the venue. Earplugs can be purchased at the info-stalls in the venue as well.

Similarly to previous years, visitors will have number of ways of transport to the venue. Whether you choose to travel by train, bus, car or bicycle, it is necessary to count with delays that are unavoidable due to the high number of visitors. Therefore, during preparations of your travel plans think about spare time for traffic jams, waiting for coach, long queue in bicycle storage zone, or other possible complications. Detailed information about transport can be found in the transport section.

In case of any uncertainties, you can visit our official information centres located directly in the venue. Similarly to last year, there will be three of them, each divided into two parts - shop and information - in order to speed up your requests. In regards to the souvenirs, there will be not only the programme for 10 CZK, but also limited edition of tourist stamps for 40 CZK, T-shirts, pendants, patches, and other souvenirs found below on photographs.

Location of these information centres as well as refreshment stalls can be found in an orientation plan of the venue which you can download here. Again, we have divided the venue into sectors where particular zones are illustrated on the map of area. In the complex itself, zones are marked by high "totems" which serve as visible landmarks and you can find the orientation plan pinned on them. We also emphasize that there will be no ATM in the venue, therefore, make sure you have enough cash prior your arrival in order to buy souvenirs or refreshment.

The official info-stalls will also serve for lost and found items in the area of event. You can report lost property to their workers and hand over those found. We will try to return lost properties to their owners in cooperation with the Police of the Czech Republic.

In case you plan to visit the event with children, please equip them with a card stating their name, your names and most importantly your cell phone number so that in case you lose track of your child, we can quickly contact you. Such cards or bracelets can be newly given to you at the stall of Dům knihy Please keep your children under supervision. However, if you lose your child, contact outpost of the police in VIP zone (see orientation plan of the venue).

As in previous years, you can also tune the Radio Čas broadcast directly from the event at 91,8 FM, which brings commentary to the dynamic displays.

Smartphone users may also download our mobile app which will be updated during the whole weekend show. Other users will not come short, they can use a mobile version of our website which will load automatically after entering to the browser of your mobile phone of tablet. You can find more information about the app in our recent article.


Kids T-shirt Gripen 200,- Kids T-shirt Gripen 200,- Men's T-shirt 250,-
T-shirt NATO Days 270,- Women's T-shirt Gripen 220,- Women's T-shirt Gripen 220,-
Commemorative coin 250,- Keychain 70,- Silicon bracelets 30,-
Keychain 50,- Patch 100,- Magnet 65,-
Earplugs 5,- Lanyard 30,- Badge 40,-
Raincoat 40,- Turist stamp 40,- Sticker 5,-
Programme 10,-

After the event, we will welcome any of your suggestions, knowledge or experience that would help us to improve organizational arrangements in the following years.

We look forward to your visit and wish you pleasant moments.


See you at
17th NATO Days in Ostrava & 8th Czech Air Force Days!

The General Partner of NATO Days in Ostrava & Czech Air Force Days is the company
AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE a.s.


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