Buy a patch from the A330 MRTT crew and support people affected by the floods
The A330 MRTT tanker and its international crew were also due to attend the event. They were planning to sell patches for a good cause - specifically, for a sick little boy. But the floods changed that plan. And the crew and family they wanted to help had others in mind - those whose lives had been changed by the water. The patches are on sale, but the money will go elsewhere.
To purchase a patch, contact Capt. Petra Vobra by email or at the phone number listed below (in the picture). You can choose to pay by cash on delivery or classic transfer to a bank account, the number of which will be given to you by Capt. Petra Vobrová.
I WILL TELL YOU THE STORY HOW IT STARTED RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING 6 MONTHS AGO Fate willed it and I met the right people at the right time. The idea of combining the first ever static display of our A330 MRTT aircraft at NATO Days in Ostrava & Czech Air Force Days with helping to improve the quality of life of one disabled human being was born in the minds of an international team of soldiers serving in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. My colleagues and I have designed and had made patches of our unit, which we were to sell in Ostrava to raise funds to help a particular boy. Man plans and destiny changes. Due to the catastrophic floods, the NATO Days in Ostrava did not take place this year, and in fact our patch took on a completely different dimension, meaning and purpose. Every time we look at it we will always have in our minds the first thought connected with the terrible force of nature, which has shown us again that we are practically powerless against it. The little boy and his family understand that the people affected by the floods are far worse off now and need immediate help. That's why when I approached them with the request that we would like to donate the proceeds from the sale of the patches to one particular family, such as elderly people with disabilities, they agreed. I thank them very much and they are already a big part of my life. Therefore, I would like to address you, supporters of NATO Days in Ostrava & Czech Air Force Days: we still have patches available that were intended for you and a few for the tanker crew. If you are interested, please contact me - and this way we can help to brighten the future at least a little bit for the people who need it the most. Petra Vobrová |