
How many visitors will welcome this year's NATO Days in Ostrava?

17.05.2022, 08:25

In exactly four months, the gates of the 22nd NATO Days in Ostrava & the 13th Czech Air Force Days will open. Due to the development of the epidemiological situation, we are now preparing for only one variant, without any above-standard hygienic measures. So the entry regime will be the same as in 2019 and we are looking forward to exceeding 200,000 visitors again, because the program will be worth it!

Currently, there are no regulations in force in the Czech Republic restricting the organization of mass events due to covid-19, and forecasts for the coming months do not anticipate the worsening of the situation that the introduction of such regulations would require. Therefore, if these expectations are met, the same rules will apply to entry to this year's NATO Days, which regular visitors to the event are used to and which will not limit the number of people on the event premises.

"Like our fans and the organizers of other events, we look forward to enjoying this year as we are used to from the years before the covid-19 pandemic. We are working to ensure that this year's program also offers interesting premieres, which we will hopefully be able to confirm in the coming days and weeks and which will help to make the venue full of visitors again after three years," says Zbyněk Pavlačík, Chairman of Jagello 2000. "There will be a standard security check at the entrances, but visitors won't need any certificates or tickets, everyone can really come without restrictions."

In cooperation with our partners, we strive to constantly increase visitor comfort, and thus we prepare several improvements both for a more comfortable trip to the event and in the venue itself. An attractive program will again be prepared for visitors, which will include traditional participants, but there are really exclusive premieres in the negotiations. After three years, we can look forward to two acrobatic groups - we have already announced the premiere of the Swiss Patrouille Suisse, we should soon announce the participation of others who will return to Mošnov Airport.

"NATO Days in Ostrava serve as the flagship of the North Atlantic Alliance's public communications, and this dimension of our event has grown since the Russian aggression against Ukraine, so we want to stress our membership in the Euro-Atlantic community. We are working hard to present the latest technology that the Czech Republic and its allies have at their disposal to ensure their security, and we believe that in this respect we will again raise the imaginary bar a little higher, "concludes Pavlačík.

See you at
22nd NATO Days in Ostrava & 13th Czech Air Force Days!

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