
Prison Service will repulse the attack on the medical escort

26.08.2021, 17:20

As became tradition the Prison Service of the Czech Republic will present themselves at the NATO Days in Ostrava & the Czech Air Force Days. This year´s dynamic presentation will offer reaction of rapid response team on the attack against the medical escort. Static presentation is focused besides other things on humanization of prison system.

The Prison Service of the Czech Republic is one of the armed security services of the Czech Republic. It ensures detention and imprisonment. As well as the protection of order and security of judiciary, public prosecutors and the Ministry of Justice. PS CR was established in 1993 together with the establishment of a new state. However, it builds on the long development of prison system in Czechia since the time of the Habsburg monarchy. The PS CR first appeared at the NATO Days in 2003 and since then it has been a regular participant in the event.


As part of the dynamic presentation, members of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic will escort prisoner to a civilian medical facility. However, it will be attacked outside the vehicle in order to free the prisoner. The shooting will be returned by escort members. However, one of the members will be be injured while securing the prisoner and the prisoner will flee. The commander of the escort will request the help of the rapid response team, which upon arrival in cooperation with the escort will suppress the attack. Members of the PS CR will take up the position of all-round defence. Then escort will determine the extent of damage and injuries, while the rapid response team continues to secure the perpetrators (disarmament, handcuffs and searches). After the intervention, rapid response team will escort the prisoner back to the prison. Total of 21 members of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic will take place.


This year's static presentation will be marked by the celebration of 20 years the NATO Days in Ostrava and the Prison Service of the Czech Republic will join this anniversary with a static presentation that will offer visitors a demonstration of the development of the PS CR over the last 20 years and present key milestones of this period.

See you at
21st NATO Days in Ostrava & 12th Czech Air Force Days!

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