
The Customs Service of the Czech Republic will present itself with top service dogs and action inter

01.09.2022, 10:00

Visitors can look forward to the participation of the Customs Service of the Czech Republic at this year's NATO Days in Ostrava & Czech Air Force Days. It has prepared a joint dynamic display of the SON intervention unit with foreign colleagues, displays of technological vehicles, the skills of their dogs, and there will also be an exhibition of secured counterfeits and protected animals.

After a one-year break, the customs service will present the operational deployment group, known as SON, at the NATO Days. Officers deployed in demanding actions will carry out a joint operation with Slovak and Polish colleagues against dangerous drug criminals.

Customs canine experts will then demonstrate a search for drugs, tobacco, banknotes, and persons at the Ostrava airport. Canine instructors of the customs service are among the best in the world which is why they also pass on their skills to members of foreign units. International cooperation together with canine trainers from Slovakia, Poland, Germany, and Ukraine will be also presented.

In the static exhibition, visitors can look forward to samples of seized animal and plant products that are protected by the CITES international convention. They will also see goods that are suspected of violating intellectual property rights, such as  toys, cosmetics, textiles, and other counterfeits. In addition, there will be a production line of cigarettes which was seized by customs officials during the crackdown on illegal manufacturers.

Experts from the custom’s technical laboratory, which is an important part of the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic, will also share their experience. The content of their work is to analyse samples of various materials and products, starting with alcohol and tobacco, through textiles and ending with a wide range of foods. Among other things, they also examine the authenticity of official documents or cigarette stickers and alcohol stamps.

Employees of the customs service will be ready to advise visitors with practical matters as well. Those interested will be able to find out about their possible arrears and fines with state organizations or learn about news and obligations when receiving (purchasing) shipments of up to 150 euros which are often associated, for example, with purchases from e-shops outside the European Union.

For members of customs service a modern equipment is the basis of their quality work. Therefore, there will also be display of a mobile luggage X-ray, a technological vehicle, and a mobile surveillance patrol vehicle. A recruitment corner will be prepared for those interested in service or work at the Customs Service of the Czech Republic where, among other things, they will learn what they must fulfil in order to be successfully accepted into the unit.

In the area of the Customs Service of the Czech Republic, visitors will also be able to meet representatives of the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM) who will use this opportunity to recruit new bone marrow donors.

The Customs Service of the Czech Republic is looking forward to your visit.

See you at
22nd NATO Days in Ostrava & 13th Czech Air Force Days!

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