Visiting Regulations

Visiting Regulations of
NATO Days in Ostrava & Czech Air Force Days

Article I. Basic Provisions
  1. Jagello 2000, z.s., registered seat at Mariánské náměstí 2116/10, Mariánské Hory, 709 00 Ostrava, IČO: 70640866 being the organizer of the event (only “Organizer”) called NATO Days in Ostrava & Czech Air Force Days issues these visiting regulations.
  2. Purpose of the visiting regulations is to ensure the safety of visitors, their health and property, and at the same time to secure the safety of property of the Organizer, participants and other persons within the Event’s venue.
  3. By entering the Event’s venue, visitor agrees with capturing their appearance on photographs and audio-visual recordings and gives their permission to distribute these records free of charge for media and commercial purposes of the Organizer, participants and partners of the event. Selected parts of the Event’s venue are monitored by surveillance cameras (CCTV) with recordings. 
Article II. Obligations of Visitors of the Event’s Venue
  1. By entering the Event’s venue, every visitor acknowledges that they are obliged to comply with all conditions, prohibitions and orders stated by these visiting regulations and the rule of law of the Czech Republic. 
  2. Visitor is obliged to respect directions of the participants (security services and armed forces both of the Czech Republic and other participating countries, emergency services etc.) in their expositions, and instructions of the private security service, the Czech Armed Forces organizing service and representatives of the Organizer in the whole Event’s venue. Visitor of the event is obliged to respect all safety, warning and prohibition signs in the whole Event’s venue. 
  3. Visitor is obliged to maintain order in the Event’s venue, throw waste into designated containers and not to throw cigarette butts on the ground. For excretion, visitor is obliged to use toilets. Visitor must not interfere with the smooth course of the event and adheres to the rules of conduct towards other visitors and persons. 
  4. In case of violating the visiting regulations, directions of the organizing services or representatives of the Organizer, visitor may be walked off the Event’s venue.
  5. If a guide or other assistance dog is required, the dog may enter the event area only with the appropriate person whose condition requires the presence of an assistance dog.
Article III. Prohibitions Enforced in the Event’s Venue
  1. To the Event’s venue, visitor must not:
    1. enter with animals, except for dogs with a special status (service dogs, assistance dogs etc.);
    2. enter under influence of alcohol or other narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; 
    3. enter with their face or significant part of their face covered that prevents their identification;
    4. bring in weapons or their mock-ups, entertainment pyrotechnic devices, umbrellas, laser points, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and other items which the security service will consider a security threat; 
    5. bring in and use unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), both amateur and professional radio stations, except for unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) approved by the Organizer;
    6. bring in and distribute air balloons;
    7. start and manipulate with open fire;
    8. enter without supervision of an adult if being under 15 years of age;
    9. enter in historical or current uniforms of the security and armed forces;
    10. enter with bicycles and scooters (including those with electrical drive), roller-skates, skateboards, Segway’s or other similar devices used for transport.
  2. It is possible to use storages for both bicycles and scooters free of charge at all entrances to the Event’s venue. Storages for other items which are prohibited in the Event’s venue are not provided by the Organizer.
  3. Visitors are also prohibited to access those areas which are not intended for them, and to touch exhibits if the exposition is not meant for these purposes or if they were not permitted to do so by the participants in charge of the exposition.
  4. In the whole Event’s venue, there is a strict prohibition of placement and distribution of any promotional and commercial materials and any presentation activity without a prior written consent given by the Organizer. There is also a strict prohibition of any form of presentation of both political parties and movements in the whole Event’s venue. 
Article IV. Event’s Venue, Entrance, Opening Hours
  1. These visiting regulations are applied in the Event’s venue which is defined by the mobile and fixed fencing of the Leos Janacek Ostrava Airport. For division of the Event’s Venue into particular sectors, placement of the Czech Police’s tent, first aid stations or emergency exits, see “Orientation Map”.
  2. It is possible to use Entrance no. 1 and 2 for entering the Event’s venue, in case of good weather, it is also possible to use Entrance no. 3. Opening hours of the Event’s venue will be specified at 
  3. Every visitor entering the Event’s venue agrees with undertaking personal security check and check of their belongings, especially backpacks, handbags and other luggage in order to detain items which admission to the Event’s venue is prohibited. Refusal of the security check provides a reason to refuse access of the given person to the Event’s venue.
  4. Responsibility for underaged persons lies on their legal representatives. The organizer does not under any circumstances assume any responsibility for them. We recommend to instruct these underaged persons prior to entering the Event’s venue how to behave in case of getting lost, and provide them with a card including contact information about their supervision or legal representatives.
Article V. Health and Safety protection
  1. Please be advised that during the event there is an increased noise level across the whole Event’s venue. Protect your hearing with ear protectors. 
  2. Supervision over these visiting regulations is undertaken by the private security service, Czech Armed Forces organizing service and personnel of security services and armed forces of Czech Republic.
  3. At the Event’s venue, there are first aid stations marked by the Red Cross’ flag. After being provided first aid, visitor is handed over to the emergency medical services in case their health condition requires it.
  4. In case of a lost child or finding a lost child, notify the nearest member of the private security service or member of the Czech Police. Found children will be handed over to their supervision or legal representatives in a tent marked by the Czech Police’s flag (see “Orientation Map”).
  5. In case of emergency, visitor of the event reports the situation by calling the following phone numbers of: Fire Rescue Service – 150, Emergency Medical Services – 155, Czech Police – 158, or the common emergency telephone number (SOS) – 112. 
Article VI. Liability for Damages and Consequences of Violating the Visiting Regulations
  1. By entering the Event’s venue, visitor confirms that they have read these visiting regulations and committed themselves to follow them. Entrance to the Event’s venue is free of charge. 
  2. Visitor enters the Event’s venue at their own risk. The organizer is only responsible for the damage caused to the visitor as a result of the violation of the Organizer’s responsibilities. Liability for damage caused to the visitor within particular expositions goes to the given participant of the event.
  3. The Organizer does not hold any responsibility in case of injuries, other forms of damage to health and damage to property which are caused by the visitor’s own carelessness, inattention, neglection of their obligations and violation of these visiting regulations. 
  4. Compensation for damage caused by the visitor of the event to the Organizer, partners or participants of the event will be fully enforced in accordance with applicable legal provisions.
Article VII. Final Provisions
  1. Situations and other matters not included in these visiting regulations are covered by the rule of law of the Czech Republic, primarily by Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, as amended.
  2. The organizer reserves the right to change the event’s programme, and limit or cancel the event anytime and anyhow.


Jagello 2000, z.s.


Lockheed Martin
Škoda Auto