
The Logistics Agency will present its centres and the Battalion from Rakovník

08.09.2023, 16:46

The Logistics Agency will also ensure the presentation of logistics as an integral part of the Czech Army at the NATO Days in Ostrava & Czech Air Force Days. Technicians from Štěpánov, rear services from Brno, ammunition experts from Týniště nad Orlicí, members of the repair centre from Lázně Bohdaneč and the Support Battalion of Deployable Forces from Rakovník will present themselves.

The Material Security Centre Brno will traditionally present equipment components, field and social uniforms of all types of troops of the Army of the Czech Republic. Distribution of new weapons, tracked and wheeled equipment, spare parts and much more is provided by the Material Security Centre Štěpánov, which will present modern weapons such as CZ Bren 2, EVC 94 shooting simulator or historical tanks T-34 and T-72.

"This year, the Deployable Forces Support Battalion Rakovník will continue its international cooperation with the German Logistikbataillon 163 and together they will display their equipment at the event," said Zbyněk Pavlačík, chairman of Jagello 2000. "We are very pleased that the Deployable Forces Support Battalion Rakovník is taking part at the NATO Days this year as well, as it is also involved in the organisation of the event by operating the tent camp."

The Central Ammunition Security Centre Týniště nad Orlicí is the central storage, testing and supply facility for the Czech Armed Forces. It is intended for the continuous provision of infantry, artillery, engineer and airborne ammunition, missiles, explosives and pyrotechnic devices to the units and equipment of the Army of the Czech Republic. Therefore, visitors will not miss the presentation of ammunition cuts introduced in the Army of the Czech Republic or selected guided and unguided missiles on pedestals.

All equipment, even military equipment, requires maintenance, inspection and, in the event of damage or malfunction, repair. Lázně Bohdaneč Repair Security Centre is the facility that provides these activities. Interestingly, it owns historical exhibits of 20th century weapons, which are very popular at public events and attract spectators' attention. These include the German Walther M.8, the Mauser 1910/34, the American Thompson M.1 or the famous Scorpion vz.61.

The Deployable Forces Support Battalion from Rakovník, which has specific capabilities within NATO in the area of Host Nation Support (HNS-Host Nation Support) in the process of receiving, concentrating and distributing materiel, will also be presented. It is able to regulate the movement of equipment not only at road junctions, but also at ports or airports through the MCT (Movement Control Team). It can provide accommodation in several dozen tents with field beds, heating, air conditioning and other necessary equipment.

In addition, it is able to operate a fuel and grease dispenser in field conditions, build technical facilities for minor repairs to equipment and material, provide guarding of weapons and ammunition, or establish medical facilities. At NATO Days, MCT units will be presenting with their German counterparts with modern wheeled equipment such as the T-815-7 165 MSH or Toyota Hilux.

See you at
23rd NATO Days in Ostrava & 14th Czech Air Force Days!

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